
We greatly appreciate your support in helping us finish the film and get the film out into the world. All contributions go toward the cost of post-production, screenings of the film, and will help generate awareness for organ donation. Your gift will help us save lives. Please encourage your friends and family to become organ donors
All donations will now run through the Houston Internationals Sports Film Festival donation portal.
This will allow your donation to be tax deductible! “A Gift For Life” will premiere in June 2021!
-$50- Donation Level – A thank you on the film’s social media account
-$100- Donation Level- T-shirt with the Film’s Logo
-$500- Donation Level- Digital download (after the Premier), & T-shirt
-$1000- Donation Level-2 VIP Tickets to the Premier (travel & lodging not included)
-$2,500- Donation Level Signed 11×14 print from Josh Merwin Photography
-$5,000- Donation Level-Screening of film at local Little League or home
-$10,000- Donation Level- Associate Producer Credit, Screening at local Little League
-$25,000- Executive Producer Credit- Contact for details- josh@joshmerwin.com

Contact Director Josh@JoshMerwin.com to get involved in the film or to plan a screening!